
What is Positive Psychology and why do we use it within Investing you?

Positive Psychology is a growing body of science that utilizes evidence-based approaches for helping create a life that thrives, prospers and flourishes. It professes certain core tenants that point toward success and the attainment of happiness, such as:

  Building healthy social relationships.
  Utilizing one’s strengths and values relatively often.
  Having attachments larger than self.
  Creating intentional activities that best fit the person in key areas such as learning, self-development, spiritual growth, and giving back.

It often includes scientifically validated tools that:

  Measure well-being as a construct to work from.
  Measure strengths and values in a psychometric way.

Together, these elements play a vital role in helping to create life and financial goals that fit with the person.

The Investing You process was developed on these principles in order to provide you and your client proper structure for what we deliver.